Inspection Services



The ZED Maturity Assessment Model has been conceived and structured to offer graded benchmark levels of an organisation's performance through a set of standard enabler and outcome parameters focusing on quality and environmental performances. It aims to rate and handhold all MSMEs to deliver top-quality products using clean technology.

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  • The aim is to help MSMEs evolve and grow by providing them adequate training and funding to move up the value chain and produce quality products. The ZED model will sensitise MSMEs to emphasise delivery of high quality products with zero defects.
  • Clean energy will be a very important aspect of the model. Enterprises will be encouraged and hand-held to adopt clean technology into their processes to attain a sustainable growth trajectory.

We are a rating agency accredited by Quality Council of India to carry out ZED assessments for the following NIC Codes: 10, 11, 17, 21, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 32, 33, 30.